The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP)

Investing in Ethiopia

Encouraging investment into the mining and petroleum sectors is a top priority for the Ministry of Mining and Petroleum. To make the investment journey easier and more transparent, the MoMP has developed an Investor Guide, setting out all the important information needed for the mining sector in Ethiopia. Download a digital copy of the Investor Guide at the bottom of this page.

Ethiopia is the perfect mining destination for companies looking to invest in a high potential mining jurisdiction. With impressive mineral resources and a government willing and able to execute ambitious economic reforms, the building blocks are in place to create a world-class mining sector.

This guide is designed to provide you the investor with a clear picture of Ethiopia’s extraordinary mineral resources, their geology, and the nature of the opportunity for each commodity. It sets out clearly the legal and regulatory framework for Ethiopian mining, including taxation, the environment and community engagement. It also outlines the different players in Ethiopia’s mining sector, Federal and Regional, and their respective roles.

You will read that Ethiopia’s mining sector has undertaken a major reform programme in recent years. These reforms are designed to make it easier than ever to invest in Ethiopia, encourage exploration and mining, and unlock the sector’s full potential and value. These reforms extend from geodata to the licensing process to the management of the artisanal mining sector, and the process is ongoing. Read more about this important work in the guide itself.

The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) is the first port of call for all investors interested in Ethiopia’s mining (or petroleum) sectors. The MoMP can direct you to the most up-to-date geodata available, guide you to the right legislation and regulations for their businesses, and help you apply for any licenses required. The MoMP also provides straightforward guidance on how to go about investing in Ethiopia’s abundant natural resources.

We invite you to download the Investor Guidebook here

iGuide Ethiopia

For a more general investment guide for Ethiopia, including how to register your business to trade in Ethiopia, can also be found here